Hay Cookies Review

Nature’s Own Sweet Green Hay Cookies are a complementary feed made from 100% compressed hay that also encourage foraging and help relieve boredom for your guinea pigs by being hidden around their cage. Simply feed them with our cookies in place of loose hay. Don’t take our word for it - what better way to review this product but go straight to Squidgypigs for their opinion …

“We have previously reviewed Nature’s Own Sweet Green Hay and found each delicious strand to be extremely popular with the Squidgypigs; so I wasn’t surprised that Nature’s Own Sweet Green Cookies (made from 100% of the same green hay) was also absolutely adored.

Every pig from elderly Blondie to recently rescued baby Yum-Yum flocked around the Nature’s Own GREEN Cookies eager to get their share.

Squidgy Pigs Hay Cookie
05 news 2 hay cookies 2

Nature’s Own Sweet Green Cookies are a beautiful rich green colour and smell absolutely deliciously of cut grass and lazy summer afternoons. Like many of Nature’s Own’s products they’re a bit like having a little scented air freshener in the piggy cage.

Nature’s Own Sweet Green Cookies are very firm and tightly pressed compared with some other brands of hay cookie. This is good thing; because not only is the tightness of the cookie providing a boredom breaking challenge for your Guinea Pigs, they are also helping to keep their ever-growing open rooted teeth in good shape.

As mentioned in our Mini Guide to Hay, I always think that Hay Cookies are the perfect product for people who know that hay should make up the majority of a Guinea Pig’s diet but due to allergies or housing restrictions cannot feed huge great bunches of loose hay.

Conclusion: The Squidgypigs adored the challenge of these delicious Green Hay Cookies. They’re an absolutely great product that even the pickiest of piggies are going to love.

If you’ve enjoyed reading this review, you may also like our Sweet Green Hay review, you can read it here.”

Thank you SquidgyPigs

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